- The concept for Stand to Reason (STR) is based on the conviction
that Christianity and Christian values, if properly understood and properly
articulated, can "stand to reason" in the public square. The truth
is on the side of Christianity. Whether that truth will make a difference
depends on whether Christians are equipped or not.
- There's a crying need to equip rank-and-file Christians to defend
Christian beliefs and values in the marketplace of ideas against people who
don't understand our language, and who don't accept the Christian's source
of authority. That need is especially acute for Christian gatekeepers--those
Christians in positions of respect and influence in their
community--doctors, lawyers, teachers, office-holders, business leaders,
school board members--who must function in a public square that is
increasing hostile to Christian values.
- Our mission is to help average Christians to think more clearly about
their faith and values, and to send them into the public square to defend
classical Christianity. Stand to Reason is committed to cultivating
the intellectual life in the defense of Christianity and in the nurture of
Christian maturity.
- Stand to Reason is not a counter-cult organization. It is not a
political action group. Instead of demonstrations and boycotts it uses moral
and rational suasion and fair-minded advocacy to make the point that
Christianity is worth thinking about. It gives the average believer the
tools of thought and the facts they need to stand to reason for the historic
Christian faith and for classical Christian values. Stand to Reason aids
Christians in communicating facts in a compelling, even- handed and gracious
What others have said. . .
Hank Hannegraaff
President, Christian Research Institute (CRI), author, Christianity in
Crisis "I am delighted to hear of the birth of a brand new ministry
called Stand to Reason. I have followed Greg Koukl's radio ministry for some
time now, and appreciate his ability as a broadcaster as well as his heart for
people. Greg's focus on equipping God's people for works of service so that the
body of Christ might be built up and strengthened is much needed."
Dr. J.P. Moreland
Author, Scaling the Secular City and Does God Exist?-The Great
Debate "There has never been a time in our culture when ministries like
this one are so badly needed. And Greg Koukl is just the type of person to start
such a ministry. I have known Greg Koukl and ministered with him long enough to
say with joy and conviction that he is a man of tremendous talent, dedication,
and integrity. His skill as a Christian thinker is well-developed, his gifts of
communication are clear, and his heart to build Christ's kingdom and not his own
are evident." Back to Top
Gregory Koukl
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, STAND TO REASON
started out thinking he was too smart to become a Christian and ended up giving
his life for the defense of the Christian faith. Since then, Greg has worked
with Cambodian refugees in Thailand, college students in India, young people in
high stress mountaineering programs in the U.S., and with Christians in seven
communist countries (including the former Soviet Union) before the Iron Curtain
came down.
A central theme of Greg's speaking and writing is that Christianity can
compete in the marketplace of ideas when it's properly understood and properly
Greg has been a frequent guest on KABC's Religion On The Line in Los
Angeles, and a regular on CBS TV's Today's Religion. He's been a guest on
KFI, the top-rated secular talk station in Los Angeles. An award-winning writer,
Greg is presently working with Dr. Frank Beckwith on a book dealing with moral
Greg received his BA in Bible from Azusa Pacific University, his Masters in
Christian Apologetics at Simon Greenleaf University, and is working on his MA in
Philosophy of Religion and Ethics at Talbot School of Theology. He hosts his own
radio talk show advocating clear-thinking Christianity and defending the
Christian world view. Return to Top
Last Update: August 26, 1996
Voice mail (800) 2-REASON Fax (310) 937-7790
STAND TO REASON, 2420 Pacific Coast Highway, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
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