Key Memory Verses of the Bible

"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."
Psalm 119:11

The Bible is God’s word to you for today and for every day of your life.  That’s why it is so important that you memorize passages from God's word.  You should always remember what God tells you to do through the Bible.  The best way to remember what he says is to memorize key passages.

Here is a list of some very popular and practical verses taken from every book of the Bible.

Because there are so many verses, you probably won’t be able to memorize all of them.  But you will be able to choose verses that are especially important to you.  When you try to memorize a verse, make sure you understand it first.  Then go over it many times so you wont forget it.

The translators of the New International Version used modern, easy-to-understand language, so the verses are easy to memorize.  Memorizing Bible verses will help you grow in your Christian faith.  It will help you to know the Bible better, and it will help you to tell others about your faith.  

Ge 1:1

Ps 27:1-4

Isa 40:1-5

Mt 19:30

Lu 17:33

Ac 20:35

Php 4:6

Ge 1:27

Ps 27:13,14

Isa 40:8

Mt 21:9

Lu 18:17

Ac 24:16

Php 4:8

Ge 3:15

Ps 32:10

Isa 45:22

Mt 21: 22

Lu 18:27

Ac 26:20

Php 4:19

Ge 4:7

Ps 33:12a

Isa 53:1-7

Mt 22:14

Lu 19:10

Ro 1:17

Col 3:2

Ge 8:22

Ps 34:11-14

Isa 55:1

Mt 22:37-39

Lu 19:38

Ro 2:6

Col 3:20

Ge 9:6    

Ps 37:31

Isa 55:6-13

Mt 24:4,5

Lu 21:8

Ro 3:10

1Th 5:16-18

Ge 12:2

Ps 42

Jer 33:3

Mt 24:35

Lu 22:40

Ro 3:23

2Th 3:3

Ge 17:7

Ps 46:1-3

Lam 5:19

Mt 24:44

Lu 23:34

Ro 3:28

2Th 3:13

Ge 21:6

Ps 51:1-4

Eze 36:26

Mt 25:40

Lu 23:46

Ro 5:1

1Ti 4:12

Ge 22:17

Ps 51:10-12

Da 2:20

Mt 26:26-28

Jn 2:19

Ro 5:8

1Ti 6:10

Ge 28:15

Ps 51:17

Da 6:26-27

Mt 26:41

Jn 3:3

Ro 6:23

1Ti 6:12

Ge 45:7

Ps 86:15

Hos 12:6

Mt 26:64

Jn 3:16

Ro 8:9

2Ti 1:7

Ge 50:20

Ps 100

Hos 14:9b

Mt 27:46

Jn 3:17

Ro 8:16

2Ti 1:12

Ex 3:16

Ps 103

Joel 2:32a

Mt 28:5,6

Jn 4:24

Ro 8:28

2Ti 2:15

Ex 9:16

Ps 117

Am 5:14

Mt 28:19,20

Jn 6:35

Ro 8:31,32

2Ti 4:7

Ex 15:2

Ps 119:11

Am 5:24

Mk 2:17

Jn 6:40

Ro 10:9,10

Tit 3:1

Ex 20:1-17

Ps 119:105

Ob 15

Mk 2:27,28

Jn 8:12

Ro 12:1,2

Phm 6

Lev 19:2

Ps 121

Jnh 2:1,7

Mk 5:19

Jn 8:31,32

Ro 14:8

Heb 3:12

Nu 6:24-26

Ps 136:1

Jnh 2:8,9

Mk 7:6

Jn 8:36

Ro 15:7

Heb 11:1

Dt 1:29-30

Ps 145:3

Mic 6:8

Mk 8:36,37

Jn 8:47

1Co 2:9

Heb 12:1,2

Dt 6:4,5

Ps 146:1,2

Na 1:3a

Mk 9:23b

Jn 9:5

1Co 3:16

Heb 12:14

Dt 7:9

Ps 147:11

Na 1:7

Mk 9:41

Jn 9:33

1Co 6:19

Heb 13:6

Jos 1:9

Ps 148:1-14

Hab 3:18

Mk 10:14b,15

Jn 10:11

1Co 7:19b

Heb 13:8

Jos 10:8

Ps 150

Hab 3:19a

Mk 10:27

Jn 10:27

1Co 8:6

Jas 1:5

Jos 24:15

Pr 1:1-7

Zep 3:17

Mk 10:45

Jn 10:30

1Co 10:13

Jas 1:17

Jdg 8:23

Pr 3:5,6

Hag 2:5b

Mk 11:17

Jn 11:25,26

1Co 10:31

Jas 1:22

Ru 1:16,17

Pr 4:23


Mk 11:24 

Jn 13:20

1Co 13:4

Jas 2:17

1Sa 1:17

Pr 6:6-8

Mal 4:2a

Mk 12:17

Jn 13:34,35

1Co 13:13

Jas 4:2

1Sa 12:23

Pr 6:16-19

Mt 1:21

Mk 12:30,31

Jn 14:1-4

1Co 14:1

Jas 4:7,8

1Sa 15:22

Pr 9:8,9

Mt 2:6

Mk 13:31

Jn 14:6

1Co 15:3,4

Jas 5:13

1Sa 16:7

Pr 10:1,4,12,17

Mt 4:4

Mk 14:36

Jn 14:27

1Co 15:57

1Pe 2:13

1Sa 17:45

Pr 11:13

Mt 4:10b

Mk 15:39

Jn 15:13,14

1Co 16:13

1Pe 3:9

1Sa 20:42

Pr 12:22

Mt 4:19

Mk 16:15,16

Jn 16:33

2Co 5:17

1Pe 4:8

1Sa 26:23a

Pr 14:12

Mt 5:14-16

Lu 1:30-32

Jn 19:11

2Co 6:16

1Pe 5:7

2Sa 7:9

Pr 15:1

Mt 5:39

Lu 1:68

Jn 19:30

2Co 9:7

2Pe 3:9

1Ki 2:2

Pr 16:3

Mt 5:44

Lu 2:4-19

Jn 20:21

2Co 12:9

1Jn 1:9

1Ki 3:9

Pr 16:18

Mt 6:9-13

Lu 2:40

Jn 20:29

2Co 13:11

1Jn 2:15

2Ki 19:15b

Pr 17:9

Mt 6:33

Lu 3:16

Jn 20:31

Gal 2:20

1Jn 3:1

1Ch 16:8

Pr 18:13

Mt 7:12a

Lu 4:8

Ac 2:38

Gal 3:11

1Jn 3:11

2Ch 13:10a

Pr 20:11

Mt 9:37,38

Lu 6:27-31

Ac 2:39

Gal 5:6

1Jn 4:7

Ezr 3:11

Pr 21:2

Mt 10:28

Lu 6:37

Ac 4:32

Gal 5:22,23

1Jn 4:16

Ne 8:10b

Pr 27:1,4

Mt 10:38

Lu 6:46

Ac 5:29

Gal 6:10

1Jn 4:19

Est 4:12-16

Ecc 3:1-8

Mt 11:28

Lu 9:24

Ac 8:32

Eph 1:4

2Jn 6

Job 1:21b

Ecc 5:10

Mt 11:29

Lu 9:26

Ac 10:15

Eph 2:8,9

3Jn 11

Job 5:17,18

Ecc 10:17

Mt 12:36

Lu 9:48

Ac 10:34,35

Eph 4:2

Jude 20

Job 8:20-22

Ecc 11:1

Mt 14:27

Lu 9:62

Ac 10:42

Eph 4:4-6

Rev 2:10

Job 11:13-20

Ecc 11:9

Mt 15:4

Lu 11:9,10

Ac 10:43

Eph 4:32

Rev 3:20

Job 28:28

Ecc 12:1

Mt 16:24

Lu 12:8

Ac 13:32,33

Eph 5:1,2

Rev 4:8

Ps 1

Ecc 12:13,14

Mt 17:5b

Lu 12:22-31

Ac 13:38

Eph 6:1

Rev 5:12

Ps 8

SS 2:11,12

Mt 17:20

Lu 14:11

Ac 14:15

Eph 6:11

Rev 5:13

Ps 18:1-3

Isa 1:18

Mt 18:3

Lu 14:27

Ac 15:11

Eph 6:18

Rev 19:5

Ps 19:1-4a

Isa 9:2

Mt 18:4

Lu 15:10

Ac 16:31

Php 2:3

Rev 21:4

Ps 19:14

Isa 9:6,7

Mt 18:14

Lu 16:10

Ac 17:24,25

Php 2:14

Rev 22:7

Ps 23

Isa 11:1-5

Mt 18:19,20

Lu 16:13

Ac 17:28

Php 4:4


Ps 24

Isa 11:6-11

Mt 19:14

Lu 17:20,21

Ac 20:24