Christianity Worth Thinking About
Legal vs. Moral
Sunday, February 19, 1995
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Let me begin by telling you a little about a piece from the
L.A. Times last Friday, February 17. It's entitled "War
Against a Woman's Right." Obviously, it is about abortion because
women's rights now pretty much focus on the issue of abortion. This is an
editorial piece that reflects on some recent fires at abortion clinics. It
makes a couple of comments.
Of course, it condemns the violence, and I've mentioned many times here
that I condemn the violence, as well. But there is something else going on
in this article that is worth noticing. I want you to notice the way the Times
is arguing here, specifically how it treats the issue of rights. In
fact, the word "right" is part of the title: "War Against a
Woman's Right." After talking a bit about the fires in these clinics
that cause tremendous damage, though no loss of life, it says this,
"Such violence against facilities that perform legal abortions is
I pause here, folks, because I want to emphasize the use of the word, legal
Let me continue. "Fear of violence prompted one San Luis Obispo
obstetrician to stop performing abortions some years ago." It goes on
and talks about how now "only 12% of obstetric residency programs
train doctors for first trimester abortions, which is a reduction from
1976." I think that is a good sign. They think it is a bad one.
"As a result, abortions are increasingly unavailable to American
women, and this is why the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical
Education is going to require schools to teach abortion."
This is strange. Why would they require such a thing? Abortion is an
elective procedure. It is not health care. I guess one could say it is
like fixing a hare-lip or something, in one sense. I am not reducing the
moral consequence of abortion to fixing a hare-lip, I'm just simply saying
that from a medical standpoint it is elective. It is not directly related
to health care, so it would not seem to be the most important thing on the
agenda of medical schools, which have their hands full teaching things
that do relate to health care. It strikes me that there is a little bit of
politicizing going on here. There is an agenda going on. In any event,
that's not my main point.
The article ends on this thought, "American women have the right
to choose abortion. Violence and fear must not be allowed to render that
right meaningless." My reflections here are about the nature of
rights. The way that the L.A. Times is arguing is really quite
simple. They say abortion is legal, therefore a woman has a right to such
a thing; and since it is legal and it is a right, then no one else is
justified in attempting to restrict this action. Do you follow that? They
have a right because it's legal, is the point. This kind of argumentation
is used, oftentimes, to substantiate abortion and to condemn attacks and
attempts to restrict abortion. After all, this is a legal procedure. There
is a subtle type of argumentation here that basically is saying that if it
is legal, it is moral; and if it is legal and moral, then it is immoral to
oppose it.
Do you see the subtle equation here of morality with law? Morality is
reduced to law. That's why the appeal to the fact that it is legal is
considered adequate to silence the opposition. People toss around rights
language all the time. It's often fun when I confront someone who makes a
rights claim to simply ask the person, what is a right, anyway? People are
plucking rights out of the sky like they grow on celestial trees, but when
you ask the question, what is a right, people are hard-pressed to give you
an answer. |

...if we want to argue that man's law is somehow a
violation of fundamental human rights, we have to appeal to a higher

I understand sometimes people can't put into words what
they know to be true, but I don't think that is the case here. I think
people have a general idea that they deserve--that is what the right
happens to be--but they can't take it any further than that. I'll tell you
what a right is. A right is a just claim to something. When someone says
they deserve something in this regard, that they have a just claim to
something, the focus is on the concept "just." In other words,
it is appropriate that they make the particular claim that they do. Such a
thing is an appeal to some kind of a standard, a kind of a legal standard
of sorts. That's why the word "just" is in there. There is some
standard that one is making an appeal to.
There are two ways that a thing can be a just claim. One could be
government law. You have a just claim to get a driver's license at the age
of 16 in this state, so if you pass the requirements but are denied such a
thing for some frivolous reason, it is appropriate for you to say that
your rights have been violated. Why? You have a just claim to that
driver's license because the law has established the conditions under
which you can make the claim. You have satisfied the conditions and
therefore you can make the claim.
There is another way you can make such a claim. That is by appealing to
a law that is higher than the government's law. This is called natural
law, or one might say, God's law, if you were inclined to put it in those
terms. It really amounts to the same thing. This is the kind of appeal
that people make when something the government is doing is clearly wrong.
They appeal to a higher law, a transcendent source of rights. They say
even the government has got to bow to a higher law. If you argue based on
transcendent rights, in other words, a right that is above human law such
that human law cannot justify a violation of it because human law is lower
than this higher thing, you must always argue on the basis of some kind of
transcendent rule to counter government rights.
There has been a serious perversion in this understanding of rights
which has removed the notion of higher law altogether. This makes rights
claims a bit bizarre and obscure.
Now, it stands to reason that man's law is subordinate to God's law, so
if we want to argue that man's law is somehow a violation of fundamental
human rights, we have to appeal to a higher standard. We have to say that
man's law is violating God's law and God's law is the higher standard.
This is exactly what happened in the Declaration of Independence. They
said that there comes a time when a government exceeds its bounds and
limits and violates the laws of God, then it is right for men to rebel
against it. Then there is this profound statement: "We hold these
truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal. That each man
is endowed by his creator with certain unalienable rights." See the
appeal to the higher rights? The rights language there appeals to a higher
law, "...that is, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
In other words, all rights based on human law must take a second position
to the rights of transcendent moral law referred to in the Declaration as
"the laws of nature and of nature's God." That's their wording,
not mine.
If you think back to the Dred Scott decision in 1857, that decision was
immoral because it actually reversed the natural order. Judge Taney ruled
that rights of a slave owner over his slave were more primary than the
right of a human being to his life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. That
was topsy-turvey.
What about abortion rights? This article in the Times talks
about abortion rights. What kind of a right is an abortion right? Is
abortion a transcendent right or is it a right given by government? It is
the second type. It is the type given by government. Abortion is a right
that human law has opted to create, it has decided by convention to give
it. If human law gives a right, it can take it away. It can decide by the
same convention to take that right away. Abortion is not even a right the
Constitution gives; it's a right that nine men gave in 1973. Either way,
it is still man's law. The point is, the right to an abortion is a right
but it is a man-made right, it is not a God-given right.
What's kind of funny here is that it is curious that those who argue
for abortion act like it would be immoral for the law to be changed. They
say things like, you can't change the law, we have a right. That is
confused because the point is that the law gives you the right and the law
can be changed. The right can be taken away. The only way that that kind
of argument would really obtain against a man-made law is if there is a
higher law that secured the right, so it would be immoral to change man's
law to violate the higher law. But where is the higher law that says you
have a transcendent right to take the life of the unborn child? It is not
Abortion is a right that only exists because of law, like the right to
drive a car if you are properly licensed. It could be suspended or
completely abolished. When the law changes, the right disappears. That's
the nature of rights that find their foundation merely in human law.
Today the distinction between these two categories has been severely
blurred. There is a kind of relativism that has taken root that completely
clouds the picture. I called it "society says relativism." It's
got a formal name. It's called normative ethical relativism or
conventionalism. But basically it's the view that since there is no
transcendent code, no absolutes, each person ought to act in keeping with
his society's code. What's right for one society isn't necessarily right
for another society. In other words, you do whatever your society says to
do, and that is why I call it "society says relativism." |

What is legal isn't always moral.

Here is what is important about this. The objection against
abortion is based on the notion of transcendent human rights. I will agree
that since abortion is legal a woman receives a legal right to have an
abortion. But just because it is legal (now, listen carefully) it doesn't
mean it is moral. There is a difference between being legal and being
There were lots of things that were legal in the past. Apartheid was
legal in South Africa, but it wasn't moral. It was a violation of a
transcendent human rights and ought to have been abolished. The same thing
applies to the institution of slavery in this country. Civil rights in the
1960's--exactly the same thing. There was a rebellion by moral reformers
against the status quo, because they said the status quo, though legal,
was immoral.
Can you see how it wouldn't have done any good during the time of civil
rights to say that segregation is legal, so shut up? The issue wasn't
whether it was legal or not. Clearly it was. The question is whether man's
law was in violation of a higher more transcendent law that dealt with the
issue of human dignity and human rights. Of course, the transcendent right
in that circumstance prevailed.
You may disagree with my particular view on the abortion issue, but
please understand what it is. My view is that the unborn child is a human
being, therefore the rights of the Constitution accrue to that unborn
child. Appealing to the law doesn't help. It misses the point entirely.
What is legal isn't always moral. There is a legal right but it may be in
violation of a transcendent right, and this is why we take exception. This
is the argument pro-lifers are offering.
"Society says" relativism says that the law defines what is
moral. Such a relativism implies that because man's law is the highest law
and the Supreme Court is the highest level of man's law, then the highest
moral court is the Supreme Court. Once the Supreme Court has spoken,
discussion is over. That's the kind of belief, I think, that fuels the
comments in the L.A. Times from Friday, "War Against a
Woman's Right." This philosophy is at the heart of such comments as
one person made who called in to the show, "When are you going to
accept the fact that abortion on demand is the law of the land? You may
not like it, but it is the law. And that settles it. Where do you get off
challenging it?" Or comments like we just read in the Times :
"Facilities that perform legal abortion" and "American
women have the right to choose abortion."
Do you see how this view equates law with morality? If it is legal, it
is moral. Such a view reduces morality to mere power, either the power of
the government or the power of the majority. If you have the power to set
the standards, then you can determine what is a right. Another way of
putting that is, might makes right.
This is exactly the kind of argument that pro-lifers are concerned with
and are trying to counter. They are offering an argument based not on
man's law, but on a transcendent law just like the founders and the
framers of the Constitution used to justify their cause. Just like those
who fought slavery used to justify their cause. Just like those who fought
for civil rights and against apartheid used to justify their cause. It is
the same kind of argument. Now it may be that the argument is misapplied,
but please understand what kind of argument it is. It is precisely the
issue that pro-abortionists refuse to address or apparently even to
recognize: the transcendent argument of human rights.
In this sense, it does no good to appeal to the Constitution as a
defense of abortion. I have a Constitutional right to an abortion. Of
course you do, at least under the present administration of law. No one
contest that abortion is legal. You have a right from man's law. That's
not my concern.
My concern is whether it's a moral alternative given a higher law, a
law that transcends man's law, a law pertaining to self- evident and
inalienable rights that all men are created equal. If all men are created
equal, if what it says in our Declaration of Independence is true, then
abortion cannot be held to be sound and moral because it is a man-made law
that goes against God's higher law--the very thing that the Founders of
this country argued in favor of--the notion of transcendent law. That's
why articles like this one in the Times and those that appeal to
man's law as justification in the abortion controversy miss the mark
completely and they do so repeatedly. |

This is a transcript of a commentary from the radio
show "Stand to Reason," with Gregory Koukl. It is made
available to you at no charge through the faithful giving of those who
support Stand to Reason. Reproduction permitted for non-commercial use
only. |
