Christianity Worth Thinking About
Relativists & Sociopaths
July 16, 1994 |
Yesterday morning I saw something in the paper that happened in
Florida. It absolutely disgusted me and ought to have surprised me, but it
didn't. The L.A. Times, a small piece, says that a youth is charged
in slaying a motorist who ran into a girl. Here's basically what happened,
ladies and gentlemen, a man had a collision with a pedestrian. The
pedestrian was a small girl, apparently. She was banged up a little bit,
but not seriously injured. He'd gotten out of his car to check her and was
immediately mobbed by a number of youths who beat him up, robbed him of
something like $23.00, and shot him dead, killed him. You think, well
maybe they're bugged because he hurt the girl. No. They were just a mob.
They're a bunch of youths, youngsters basically. They mobbed him, beat him
up, robbed him and killed him.
If that isn't bad enough, the other side to this, the other aspect of
this-- and this wasn't in the L.A. Times today but I heard it on
the radio yesterday--is that there were a number of pedestrians, people
standing around, watching it happen who were adults. Not only did they not
intervene but they also wouldn't cooperate with the police unless they
were paid, apparently. In other words they wanted the T.V. crews to
interview for cash before they would give any material information that
would lead to the apprehension of any of the people who were involved in
this brutal slaying.
This is another one of those things we hear that cause us to cluck our
tongue, shake our head and say, What's becoming of the world? Last week I
had occasion to speak quite a number of times on the issue of moral
relativism. Even though this is a disgusting event it doesn't surprise me
in many ways when many people espouse a moral viewpoint of relativism--in
other words, that people are, by in large, responsible for their own
values and responsible for making their own moral rules. This is, by the
way, expressed in government and educational programs like values
clarification in schools where kids are led through moral exercises to
decide for themselves what they think is important when it comes to what's
right and wrong. It doesn't surprise me when those who hold to an absolute
morality are vilified and criticized and condemned in public for their
position, not just for their moral position but for the fact that they
hold a particular moral position that they think applies to everyone. |
We're essentially teaching our children that they need not be
accountable to anyone. Why are we surprised when they're not accountable
to anyone?
When we champion those kinds of things in a culture, ladies and
gentlemen, why should it be surprising to us when young people in our
society begin practicing what we're teaching them. We teach them
ultimately that values are an individual kind of thing and that morals are
the kinds of things that are subjective and relative to every person's
view of right and wrong. When we say, Don't force your morality on me,
and, Who are you to say?, well, we're essentially teaching our children
that they need not be accountable to anyone. Why are we surprised when
they're not accountable to anyone?
I want to share with you two particular points that I made in this talk
that I think relate to this incident that happened in Dade County, Florida
this last week. The first one has to do with an overall critique of
relativism as a moral point of view. I outlined eight serious flaws with
moral relativism, individual ethical relativism, the idea that people make
up their own moral rules and that we ought not force our morality on other
people. All of the eight flaws, though they're expressed differently,
really hinge on the same basic idea. The idea is this, that in order for
certain concepts that we hold dear and valuable--concepts that seem to be
intuitive, that seem to be true concepts on the face of them, things like
praise and blame, the existence of evil in the world, the value of justice
and fairness, the reasonableness of personal accountability, the idea of
moral discourse and moral improvement and reform, and the idea of
tolerance--all of those things are tied up with a particular idea. The
particular idea that these notions rest upon--have as their foundation--is
the very idea that is repudiated by those who hold to moral relativism.
That is that there is a moral standard of some sort that stands outside of
a person and that is a judge on the person whether the person accepts it
or not. In other words, for those concepts that I just listed to make any
sense whatsoever there must be some kind of absolute standard, some
morality that is not utterly subjective and not utterly personal. That's
why if you hold moral relativism--let everybody make up their own rules
and decide for themselves what's right and wrong and let's not push our
morality on any one else--then if you're going to be consistent you have
to abandon the idea that there is anything like an absolute right or
Therefore, your language of wrong-doing has to be excised from your
vocabulary. The language of things being evil in themselves or wrong in
themselves must be removed because there is no such thing. There are only
things that you like and dislike so your moral assessments are merely
reduced to autobiography. What feels good or bad to you, not what is
morally right or wrong in itself. You have to get rid of the idea that
there is blame and praise because you can't blame or praise people unless
you have a standard by which blame and praise make any sense. You can't
ask for justice or fairness because that implies that there is a moral
standard that stands outside of everyone that says, for example, that we
must treat people equally or we must not punish the innocent and let the
guilty go free.
If relativism is true then there is no standard like that standing
outside of us so there's no sense to the notion of justice or fairness.
There's no accountability. Everybody does their own thing. There's no
possibility of moral improvement or moral discourse, you can't even
discuss things morally in an intelligent fashion because there's no better
or worse morality in the context of relativism. Ultimately there's no
tolerance either because the rule that one ought to be tolerant is an
absolute rule that stands outside of our individual tastes. If there are
no absolute rules then the absolute "Be tolerant" is no longer
there either, and therefore relativism, the fact that everybody makes up
their own rules, ultimately does not lead to tolerance either. My point
being that if relativism were really true then we would be living in a
world in which nothing is wrong, nothing is considered evil or good or
worthy of praise or blame, a world in which justice and praise are
meaningless concepts, in which there is no accountability, no possibility
of moral improvement or even a moral discourse. Also, it would be a world
in which there is no tolerance.
When I did that talk I had a note that following this belief in and
practice of relativism produces this kind of world. But I left that out in
some of my talks. I thought that's too strong of a statement. Just because
you believe in relativism doesn't mean it's going to produce this kind of
world because maybe there's something else of goodness or something inside
of you that will redeem you in the long run so you don't end up living
consistent with your alleged world view. I think this is even truer as I
reflect on what happened last week than I was willing to admit even to my
own audiences when I talked about relativism. That belief in and practice
of relativism does produce a world like this and we're seeing the fruits
of that, and we did in Dade County, Florida.
One of the things that I mentioned as I was talking about relativism
last weekend is that you can, in a sense, assess the significance or the
value or worth of a particular moral point of view by asking what kind of
moral champion does this point of view produce. For example, if your moral
point of view is that you should take no thought for yourself but always
think of other people, and you watch people who live that out most
consistently, this ethic produces someone like a Mother Theresa, for
example. Or if you have someone who says that one of the highest ethics is
non-violent passive resistance and lives that out in exemplary fashion, it
produces a Gandhi. If the ethic is to obey the Father in all things and
you live that out thoroughly, it produces a Jesus Christ. When we look at
the moral champions of these different viewpoints it speaks well for the
standard they espouse. |
There's got to be something wrong with an allegedly moral point of
view that produces a moral champion who has the moral substance of a
But what about the issue of relativism? What about those that espouse
the view that one ought not judge someone else and that each person ought
to live by their own moral rules? What kind of moral champion does that
produce? In other words, if you take as a moral guideline that we make up
our own moral rules, basically the question is what is the best that
relativism has to produce? What do we call the kind of person that marches
most thoroughly to his own personal moral drum and is most thoroughly
unconcerned with the moral attitudes of other people? Well, we have a word
for that kind of person in our culture and language, we call him a
sociopath, a person without any conscience or any morals or scruples
There's got to be something wrong with an allegedly moral point of view
that produces a moral champion who has the moral substance of a sociopath.
Someone without a conscience. This is the problem I think that we are
seeing as relativism has taken more and more root amongst the rank and
file, and in fact is being absorbed by our children by osmosis from our
culture and even taught directly to our children. Why are we surprised
when young people then produce what amounts to sociopathic behavior. We
look at this behavior in Florida, and there is other behavior like that,
and remember the wilding event a couple of years ago in Central Park, New
York, where the woman was severely beaten and raped and these young men
were wilding? There is a statistical variation in a sense for people who
are sociopathic. In other words, you are going to find somebody that is
just a weird one every now and again who has no social conscience, no
moral conscience whatsoever. But it's not likely that all of these strange
cases are going to show up in one group at one time. No, what happened in
the wilding event in New York City a few years back and this thing down
here in Dade County near Miami Beach in Florida is sociopathic behavior
exhibited by a group of people.
My point here is, their behavior wasn't a result of some bizarre
abnormality they were born with. These people are learning this behavior.
They are learning that it's okay to do whatever you will. They are
learning that values are entirely up to them and are completely
subjective, that there is no absolute morality. How are they learning
that? We are teaching them. And this is why you can do a poll of young
people that they did two years ago just after the riots, and you can ask
them, "How many of you would have stolen something if you knew you
wouldn't have gotten caught?" And a statistically significant amount
said, "I would have." I think it was something like one-third to
two-thirds, something on that order, said they would do that because
morality for so many people has been not only an abandonment of absolute
morality but a ridicule of such. Young people's morality has been reduced
to mere pragmatism. In other words, don't do it because you'll get caught.
Don't do it because you'll get punished. And if you don't get caught and
you won't get punished, well then, shoot, there is nothing else that
constrains you from that kind of behavior.
I was at some Little League baseball games a couple times over the last
few days. I don't go to these games as a habit so it was interesting when
I was there to hear when the ball went out of bounds and flew down the
hill the announcers say, "If you return the ball, young kids, we'll
give you a free candy bar from the snack bar." And one of the older
men that I was sitting with said, "Gee, some things never
change." So apparently this is the same thing that was said when he
was a kid, too. You know, return the ball and we'll give you a candy bar.
Maybe this is just that people understand human nature, okay I understand
that and I'm not criticizing this, but it did prompt a reflection.
Isn't the virtue of being honest reward enough for returning the ball?
Is it worthwhile for us to teach children that virtue is its own reward?
That sounds so quaint it is almost embarrassing to say such a thing. But
is it worthwhile to teach young people that doing things that are honest,
even if it costs you immensely, is worthwhile in itself. It has intrinsic
value in itself and one ought not be honest merely for the pragmatic
reason that when they are they will get something in return that has
value, like a candy bar. But rather the act of giving the ball back in
itself ought to be fulfilling.
Now, I want to tell you something honestly for me. I want to say that
thanks to the Lord that this has been a product of being a Christian for
20 years. That's really true to a great degree for me. There are things
that I enjoy doing because they are virtuous. That isn't to draw attention
to me, it's simply to make the point that such a thing is possible. For
those of you who are out there saying, Gee what do you mean enjoy doing
virtuous things? Come on! I mean let's get real here. Well, I am real. I'm
entirely real. I think that virtue is rewarding, but that idea has to be
taught because it doesn't usually just sprout on it's own. Why? Because
there are other things in there that are sprouting in that garden of moral
conscience that needs to be weeded out and nowadays, not only are they not
being weeded out, these other things are being fertilized.
What is being weeded out is genuine moral sensibility.
This is a transcript of a commentary
from the radio
show "Stand to Reason," with Gregory
Koukl. It is made available to you at no charge through the faithful
giving of those who support Stand to Reason. |

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" Relativists
& Sociopaths "
©1994 Gregory Koukl
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Posted: Oct 25, 1996